Holwell Primary School

Holwell Primary School

Learning today for our tomorrow

  1. Holwell Hub
  2. Family Support

Hi parents and carers,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to the Easter Break.

 I just wanted to remind you to please take a look at this page for any supporting needs you may have particularly as there are some great courses for this Summer term.

I will also be adding to this page frequently so do keep an eye out and you can always contact me if you need any additional support.


I will be working during the Easter Holidays on the 4th April and the 11th April.

Have a great Holiday.

Best wishes,


07957361266 or email c.o'flaherty@holwell.herts.sch.uk 

Please follow this link to PARENTSAFE: Keeping Children Safe Online and Beyond or copy and paste into your search box.


The internet is an exciting and fun place for adults and children to use and explore educationally and socially.  The challenge for parents, carers and teachers is to make sure our children are aware and understand how to be safe when using the internet and related technologies.

Below is a list of recommended sites to share with parents.

Parent Info - provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children's wellbeing and resilience. Schools can host the content on their own website and use it in any other ways (in letters to parents etc) that they want.

Parent Zone

UK Safer Internet Centre - online Safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.

Childnet International - an organisation working directly with children, parents and teachers to ensure that the issues of online child protection and the safe and positive use of the internet are addressed.

ThinkuKnow - the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre's own website which has been designed and written specifically for children, young people, teachers, parents and carers.

Internetmatters.org - specific help on how to set up internet controls at home. Guidance and articles for parents about keeping children safe online.

Digizen.org - a website designed to strengthen awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is. It encourages users of technology to be and become responsible digital citizens.


Zones of Regulation

At Holwell Primary school we believe that no emotion is a bad emotion. We understand that adults and children will experience a range of emotions and we aim to give them to skills understanding to know how regulate emotions. 

The Colour Monsters have proven to be a powerful child friendly tool to help children understand their emotions and all classes have copies of the books and do regular work with the children based around the Colour Monsters. 



Refuge Charity – Domestic Violence Help

Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
or visit www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk (access live chat Mon-Fri 3-10pm)

What is J9?

The J9 Domestic Abuse Initiative aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and assist survivors to access support safely by training professionals and members of the community to recognise domestic abuse and respond to survivors. Once J9 trained, the J9 logo is displayed, letting survivors know that they have a safe place to access information and use a telephone to contact support services. 


Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline is a confidential, free, support and signposting service for anyone affected by domestic abuse

We are here to listen
Call 08 088 088 088
9am-9pm Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm weekends
Confidential email Kim@mailpurple.org

Parent Workshops for children aged 4 - 15 years awaiting assessment or displaying traits of ASD and/or ADHD.

See below.



For other support or assistance options, please see below

 Hertfordshire Families First Portal: For information, advice and guidance on local and national services www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/familiesfirst

Citizens Advice Bureau on: 03444 111 444 or www.whcab.org.uk

Family Lives: For parenting support 0808 800 2222 or www.familylives.org.uk

Young Minds: 0808 802 5544 (Mon-Fri 9.30-4pm) https://youngminds.org.uk/ for parents/carers concerned about their child’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Kids Hub: www.kids.org.uk/hub  01992 504013 support for parents and carers of disabled children and young people aged 0-19 in Herts    

Children’s Services: 0300 123 4043 for any concerns about the wellbeing or safety of a child.

CAP: For support with debt and financial worries 0800 328 0006

Kooth:  www.kooth.com Free  safe and anonymous online support for young people aged 10-25years.

www.healthyyoungmindsinherts.org.uk information on emotional health and wellbeing support available for children and young people in Hertfordshire.


Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield school partnership Website


Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield school partnership Facebook
