Holwell Primary School

Holwell Primary School

Learning today for our tomorrow

  1. Pupils
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 5 Durham

Welcome to University of Durham Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Hall; Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hart

To contact the class teacher, please email: admin@holwell.herts.sch.uk and the message will be forwarded for you.


Please see the Y5 timetable for this half term below. 


Children need to come to school in full PE kit on a Tuesday and a Friday.


Please ensure your child has a water bottle with them every day.

 English Week 2 24.4.23 GC.pptxDownload
 Maths Week 2 24.4.23 - GC.pptxDownload
 Spellings sheet 24.4.23.docDownload
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Last update: 2023-04-23