Holwell Primary School

Holwell Primary School

Learning today for our tomorrow

  1. Pupils
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 3 Surrey

Welcome to University of Surrey Class Page 


Class Teacher: Mrs Orford, Teaching Assistants:  Miss Lisowski and Miss Adeyemi.

To contact the class teacher, please email: admin@holwell.herts.sch.uk and the message will be forwarded for you.

Welcome Back!

We hope you have had a wonderful Summer break and are looking forward to the new academic Year

 Welcome to the Year 3 University of Surrey class page. 

Here you can find the class time table and it will be updated weekly with spellings and times tables.

Below you will find; an overview of what is being taught this term, the class homework and a class timetable. 

You will see that we have PE on Monday (indoor) Thursday ( Outdoor) so please ensure that the  children come to school in suitable kit and trainers for these lessons. 

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